Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Depression

Do you suffer from Postpartum Depression?

According to the Cleveland Clinic as many as 50 -75% of new mothers experience the “baby blues” after delivery, or a miscarriage.  Up to 15 percent of these women, will develop a more severe and longer-lasting depression, due to hormonal changes, the psychological adjustment to motherhood, and fatigue.

If you’re feeling down, confused, lost, or sad, you’re not alone. If you have negative feelings going through your mind, you might be too internally focused.  Your world has become too small. To change the negative thought patterns, try getting outside of your own head and into your external life.  Make some connections outside yourself.  It will remind you that other people struggle, too. Every new mom is lonely so reach out to widen your circle. Because right now, you’re not the best person to be giving yourself advice. By seeking social interaction, you’ll find it energizes you.  We are here to help if you need counsel.