Our Response to Suicide
The topic of suicide has been in the news a lot lately. There have been the high profile deaths of Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade. Bourdain and Spade’s untimely deaths accentuate a troubling trend: the sharp rise in suicides among both men and women, this is across all racial and ethnic groups, and all ages, according to a report released recently by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Suicide rates increased nearly 30 percent between 1999 and 2016. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young people behind unintentional injury. There are many factors that contribute to suicide, including depression and various other mental illnesses, relationship difficulties, isolation, substance abuse/addiction, financial stressors and others. So what can we do? Research has demonstrated that being involved in a caring, empathic relationship is one of the strongest deterrents to suicide. Close, empathic relationships require openness and vulnerability. It requires us to not be afraid of talking about potentially uncomfortable subjects like feeling hopeless, stress, the pain of a strained relationship, and suicidal thoughts and feelings with friends and loved ones. To effectively address these complicated issues you may need assistance. The counselors at Intermission Therapies in Geneva IL are here to help! We are experts in managing stress, relational difficulties, and suicide prevention. We offer individual, couples, family and group therapy.
Read in-depth about our services here.